Foundlings by Cindy O'Quinn
Foundlings by Cindy O'Quinn

Foundlings by Cindy O

The second reason, is I don’t think it would be fair to Addison and Manzetti.

Foundlings by Cindy O

The first is that every single piece within was really, really phenomenal. Now, in most of my reviews of collections and anthologies, I often highlight a few that stuck with me or that I felt were the ‘best,’ but in this case I’m not going to for two reasons. It’s akin to the phoenix rising from the ashes but time and time again. It makes it all the more intriguing when you remember that this was once someone else’s work and through stripping away words and portions, they’ve left us with something completely new. The poems within are all really, really engaging and filled with visceral images, moving passages and heartfelt moments. Not only do they first tackle straight forward poetry (and trust me this isn’t simple in that sense) but then go one step further and craft Haiku’s from Addison and Manzetti’s work. I’ll wait while you give your head a shake. First we get O’Quinn’s found poems, then Ellis’, and in the last section we then also get to see them take it to a whole other level by crafting Haiku’s as well. What I liked: The book is separated in different sections. Addison and Alessandro Manzetti, both of whom are phenomenal writers on their own right. Within ‘Foundlings,’ O’Quinn and Ellis focus on the poetry of the amazing duo of Linda D. Time and time again they demonstrate their talent as well as their kindness, so seeing them team up for this release had me super excited. Which brings me to ‘Foundlings.’ Cindy O’Quinn and Stephanie Ellis are not only two of my favorite writers to read, but also two of my favorite people in the dark fiction community. It is really something and both staggering to comprehend and fantastic to read. In Found Poetry, the author essentially ‘blacks out’ portions of lines to reveal the word or words that they need to use to create their own poem. Reconstructed might not be the correct word or idea, but I’m not sure how else to describe it. In that collection, McHugh reconstructed sections of ‘The Secret Garden’ to create vivid poems. To me, a poetry novice (read uneducated in all of the forms of poetry!), my first experience with Found Poetry was with last years ‘Strange Nests’ by Jessica McHugh.

Foundlings by Cindy O'Quinn