Ringworld pak
Ringworld pak

ringworld pak

Then expeditions from the far stars came, changing the fortunes of Ringworld as surely as Ringworld changed Known Space, the little bubble of stars which Earthmen know. Larry Niven had all elements of great tale. Mysteriously, the Pak died out, but upon the Ring there came to be many species with intelligence - Ghouls, City Builders, Grass Giants, Machine People - and their empires and destinies grew bright or dimmed. Ringworld was one of the greatest SF ideas ever committed to print, but this third book is a spiral into mediocrity.

ringworld pak

Air came, and water and soil, and beneath a sun always at high noon lived and died man-like beings who knew no other reality. Like a lariat the scrith band spun evenly, in an orbit comparable to Earth’s. “The Pak looped a million-mile-wide, harder-than-steel ribbon around a star, and set the ribbon spinning. These days, it would have been a Kickstarter project I’d reckon. Adapting Larry Niven’s Ringworld to a standalone roleplaying game set had to have been quite a project. The credits list for the Ringworld RPG is impressive, in both numbers, and in the names I recognize.

Ringworld pak