This is a tale where robot-manned faster-than-light warships coexist alongside flying cats and vampires.

Le Guin’s debut novel is a decently entertaining space opera. Veering between sci-fi and high fantasy backdrops, Ursula K. Though often considered the first book of the Hainish Cycle, Ursula maintained that there is no particular cycle or order for the Ekumen novels. Everywhere Rocannon goes, he finds new legends spring up about him. While not currently in print as a stand-alone novel, Rocannon’s World is available as an audiobook and in the collections Worlds of Exile and Illusion and Hainish Novels and Stories, Volume One. Le Guin, October 1, 2007, Blackstone Audiobooks edition, Audio CD in English - Unabridged edition Rocannon's World (Octoedition) Open Library It looks like you're offline. It marks the first appearance of the word “ansible,” Ursula’s neologism for a faster-than-light communication device. Rocannon’s World was Ursula’s first published novel, originally released in 1966 as half of an Ace Double. Le Guin is one of the greatest science fiction writers and many times the winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards. Marooned among alien peoples, he leads the battle to free this newly discovered world and finds that legends grow around him as he fights. Rocannons World Kindle Edition by Ursula K. But when the technologically primitive planet is suddenly invaded by a fleet of ships from the stars, rebels against the League of All Worlds, Rocannon is the only survey member left alive. Earth-scientist Rocannon has been leading an ethnological survey on a remote world populated by three native races: the cavern-dwelling Gdemiar, the elvish Fiia, and the warrior clan Liuar.