Engaging and Accessible Content: One of the main reasons why Sarah, Plain and Tall is a great choice for classroom use is its engaging and accessible content.Why you should use Sarah Plain and Tall in your classroom and how it can benefit your students. This book has won numerous awards and is a perfect addition to any classroom. It tells the story of a young girl named Anna and her family’s journey to find love and acceptance with the arrival of Sarah, a mail-order bride. Sarah Plain and Tall is a beloved children’s book that has been a staple in classrooms for years.

This is a wonderful book to use for a novel study, literature circles, book clubs, or individual study in the classroom or home school. The story is a beautiful tale of exploring the themes of loneliness, loss, grief, and rebirth. Sarah, Plain and Tall is a historical fiction novel set in the 19th Century Midwestern Plains written by Patricia MacLachlan.